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That's why you cry when you chop onions and how to avoid it

Finally, it's dinner time! The table is set, the guests are on their way, you've just gotten ready, everything is peaceful and joyful, and then it comes - the onion! It's almost as if the tears start streaming down our cheeks even before we begin to cut the onion, because we know what is to come. But why do we actually cry when we peel onions and how can we avoid it? We will tell you that now!

Why do I cry when I chop onions?

To understand why we cry when we chop onions, we must go to the root of the chemistry behind it. Onions contain a number of enzymes that are released when we cut into the onion. When these substances then interact with the sulfur-based amino acids that are naturally present in the onion, they form a chemical compound that then triggers tears in our eyes.

Använd en vass kniv när du hackar lök för att slippa gråta

Tips for avoiding tears when chopping onions:

That we start crying when we chop onions is not unusual, but it can be incredibly annoying with the stinging tears that fall down our cheeks. Now we have put together our best tips for a tear-free onion dinner. Scroll down to read more!

Tip 1. Keep the onion cold

Cooling the onion before peeling can reduce the release of sulfenic acid that occurs when the onion enzymes are released. Place the onion in the fridge for about 30 minutes before using it and you will see that the tears decrease.

Tip 2. Cut the onion under running water

By cutting the onion under running water, you can reduce your exposure to sulfenic acid for your eyes. The water helps to wash away the irritating gases.

Tip 3. Use a sharp knife

A sharp knife reduces cell damage and thereby decreases the amount of sulfuric acid released when you cut into the onion. A clean cutting surface also minimizes exposure to the gases.

Tip 4. Use safety glasses

If none of the previous methods work for you, there is only one way left - protective goggles! By using, for example, swimming goggles, you prevent the irritating substances and can thus avoid tears. At first, it may feel a bit strange, but we promise it is worth it to avoid onion tears!

Tip 5. Use a onion chopper

Now we have really saved the best for last, namely the onion chopper! With this simple product, you can avoid both tears and sharp knives while saving time on all the chopping you won't have to do in the kitchen. Just peel the onion and cut it into four wedges. Put it in the onion chopper and pull the string - done! It can't get any easier than that.

So, the next time you tackle the onion in the kitchen, it might be worth trying these tips and tricks to avoid tears and enjoy a nice dinner with friends and family without stinging eyes. Good luck!

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