Security and cookies


While you are online, you have a unique, temporary, session page that is deleted as soon as you log out (automatic logout occurs after 30 minutes of inactivity.).

According to the Electronic Communications Act, we must inform you that we use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer and that contains information. Cookies are used for purely technical reasons to improve the website's functionality. There are two types of cookies, one type that saves a file permanently on your computer and another type that is stored temporarily while you are on the website.

We use temporary cookies that are stored as long as you are logged in. Exceptions are if you select automatic login. Then your username and password are stored in a cookie file between logins.

If you do not want to allow the storage of cookies on your computer, you can turn off the function in your browser settings. This also means that some features of our site will not work for you.