Dorre Butiken
NOTE! We are a cashless store!
Looking for warehouse shop prices, a gift, or something nice for your home? The Dorre store is a perfect shop for you! In the same premises as the warehouse and office, we have our Dorre store.
Det lönar sig alltid att svänga förbi Dorrebutiken eftersom vi genom att kombinera lager, kontor & butik kan hålla ett lågt pris, ett lagershopspris helt enkelt. Närmare bestämt ca 40 % lägre än vad våran webbsida visar.
So if you are looking for gifts, inspiration or simply a bargain - then you are warmly welcome!
For the latest information and offers, check out our Facebook page
You can find us at:
Godsvägen 5 (Islingby Industrial Area)
Vardagar 9:00-16:00 (lördag & söndag stängt)
We are often open one Saturday a month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, usually in connection with payday weekend. For information about which Saturday, keep an eye on our Facebook page.
Welcome in!