Planera en rolig halloweenfest med de godaste snacksen!

4 spooky tips on easy snacks for Halloween 2023!

Happy Halloween! Halloween is really approaching with frightening steps and it's time to prepare for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter, horror, and sweets. To help you make the most of this spooky celebration, we have compiled a list of our best snack tips to make your Halloween celebration truly terrifying. Join us as we go through our delicious and simple recipes to an exciting halloween celebration!

4 recipes for simple Halloween snacks

Men when is halloween Actually? Yes, it is probably the most googled question during the month of October, at least if you are in Sweden. Actually, it is not that complicated to keep track of since this spooky holiday always falls on October 31st. But regardless of whether you are going to organize a halloween party or gather a horror movie marathon with your best friends this day so is scary snacks always the ultimate mood booster. Here are our top 4 simple snacks with a spooky Halloween theme!

Med ett fräscht fruit bowl får du goda och nyttigare snacks till halloweenfesten

1. Fresh fruit platter with a Halloween twist 

Of course, you should take the opportunity to indulge in sweets and candy during this holiday, but it can also be nice to balance the sweet with some fresh and healthier options. Here’s how to create a lovely fruit platter with a spooky twist:


Chocolate buttons
Green apple
Mini marshmallows
Peanut butter
Dark berries (For example, blackberries, blueberries, or cherries)
Cantaloupe melon
Grilling skewers


  1. Mandarin pumpkins: Peel the mandarins & slice the celery into small sticks. Insert the green sticks into the middle of the citrus fruit. Voilá! You have created cute little mini pumpkins.
  2. Ghost Bananas: Cut the bananas in half. Place two chocolate chips as eyes for your ghosts and one chocolate chip as a mouth..
  3. Zombie apples: Slice the apples into wedges. Take two slices & spread a layer of peanut butter on the apple slices (Note! Only on one side). Stack mini marshmallows as teeth & attach them in the peanut butter on one apple slice. Then, put the apple slices together with the peanut butter as "glue" in between. Voila, you have created a zombie mouth!
  4. Halloween fruit skewers: Cut the cantaloupe melon into small cubes. Alternate dark berries, melon & mini marshmallows on wooden skewers to create fruit skewers in Halloween colors.

 Fyllda padrones med smördeg blir ett perfekt snacks till halloween

2. Mummy-filled padrones

Cheese and padrones are a really good combo and also very popular to serve as tapas in Spain. Here we take it a step further and wrap some delicious puff pastry around our filled padrones to create small mummies for Halloween. It's that simple:


Puff pastry
Cream cheese
Grated cheese
Salt & pepper
Eyes for decoration


  1. Set the oven to 200 degrees
  2. Cut the padrón peppers in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds.
  3. Take a bowl & and mix cream cheese, cheese, salt, and pepper.
  4. Place your padrón peppers on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and fill them with the cheese mixture up to the edges.
  5. Cut the puff pastry into narrow strips, it is easiest with a flexible pizza cutter.
  6. Wrap the puff pastry strips around your filled padrón peppers so that they resemble mummies.
  7. Whisk the egg & brush on the puff pastry
  8. Bake in the oven until the puff pastry has a nice color
  9. Place the eyes on your padrones mummies

Done! Serve on a nice serving platter or a beautiful tray.

Bjud på choklad doppade jordgubbar - jorgubbsspöken på nästa halloweenfest

3. Ghostly chocolate-covered strawberries

Is there anything better than delicious chocolate-covered strawberries as a snack? Instead of dipping the strawberries in milk chocolate, you dip them in white chocolate to make cute ones. halloween ghosts. Super easy and super tasty!


White chocolate


  1. Melt white chocolate
  2. Dip the strawberries in the white chocolate
  3. Let the chocolate set in the fridge
  4. Take out of the fridge & shape eyes & mouth for your strawberry ghosts with chocolate sauce
  5. Place on a nice serving platter or a beautiful tray

Gör en minipizza formad som en halloweenpumpa - den perfekta maten till halloween!

4. Scary Halloween food with mini pizza shaped like a Halloween pumpkin

Minipizzas can really be creative. Either you shape the pizza dough like pumpkins, ghosts, or something else spooky, or you decorate with toppings to create a festive atmosphere. halloween food. The cheese can be shaped into, for example, a ghost, or cut into strips to make scary mummies with sliced olives as eyes. Here's how to make delicious salami pizzas that look like halloween pumpkins:


Pizza dough
Tomato sauce


  1. Preheat the oven
  2. Shape the pizza dough into small round pumpkins
  3. Spread tomato sauce on the pizzas
  4. Sprinkle over cheese
  5. Cut the salami into eyes, nose & mouth for scary pumpkins and place on the cheese
  6. Bake in the oven until the pizza is ready!

Tip! Want to elevate your meal and make truly delicious homemade pizza dough and tomato sauce? Check out our recipe for how to succeed with the perfect pizza dough and a really tasty and simple tomato sauce!

Do you want more inspiration? Read all articles here