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Care instructions for cutting board: How to take care of your cutting board in the best way

Have you acquired a brand new wooden cutting board that you are unsure how to clean? Or do you perhaps have an older cutting board that needs a little care? Regardless of the case, we at Dorre have gathered our best tips and tricks on how to clean different types of cutting boards the right way. If you treat your cutting boards regularly, they will not only last longer but also stay fresh and bacteria-free.

How to clean a wooden cutting board?

Cleaning a wooden cutting board may seem like a daunting task that requires expensive products, but the truth is that you often already have what you need at home. A simple and eco-friendly way to clean the cutting board is by using lemon and salt. Below are simple instructions on how to proceed to get a sparkling clean and fresh cutting board:

Step 1: Wipe the cutting board clean

The first step is to wipe your cutting board to remove larger pieces, crumbs, and any food residues that may have stuck. 

Step 2: Cut the lemon and apply!

The next step is to cut the lemon in half and rub the cutting board with one of the lemon halves. 

Step 3: Pour on salt 

After the entire cutting board has been rubbed with the lemon half, it's time to sprinkle on the salt. It's best to use coarse salt and then let it sit for about fifteen / twenty minutes. 

Step 4: Use the other half of the lemon

Take the other half of the lemon and rub the salt around the cutting board thoroughly. Then rinse the cutting board with lukewarm water. You will then have a clean, bacteria-free cutting board that also smells good.

If you want to do a deeper cleaning of the cutting board, you can mix vinegar and baking soda and apply it using half a lemon in the same way as in the previous steps. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Tips: how to oil a wooden cutting board

Just as it is important to clean the cutting board regularly, it is equally important to oil your cutting board regularly. It may be a good idea to oil the cutting board when it starts to look a bit dull. There are several natural treatment options for wooden cutting boards, paraffin oil is often recommended, but there are several natural and more environmentally friendly alternatives that you may already have in your cupboard at home. Examples are rapeseed oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil

It can also be a good idea to use beeswax together with the oil as beeswax has water-repellent properties while giving the cutting board a shine. Rub your cutting board with your chosen oil and let it sit overnight, then wipe off the excess fat with paper towels!

Can you wash a wooden cutting board in the dishwasher?

Wooden cutting boards are very sensitive to large amounts of water. When you rinse the cutting board, it is important to be careful not to spray it for too long or use large amounts of dish soap. Putting your wooden cutting board in the dishwasher is generally not recommended. Wood is sensitive to both water and heat, which can lead to deformation, cracks, or other damage to the cutting board. Dishwashers use hot water and strong cleaning agents that can be too harsh for the wood and cause the cutting board to not last long. Better to clean the cutting board with the tips above simply!

Which cutting board is the most hygienic - wood or plastic?

The hygiene level of different cutting boards largely depends on how well you take care of them. Wooden cutting boards are generally a very hygienic choice as bacteria often thrive less in them.However, it is important that you take care of your cutting board properly and keep it clean after each use.

Buy a new stylish cutting board online at Dorre

If you're looking to invest in a new cutting board, we at Dorre have a couple of different options that suit most. Whether you want a new cutting board in wood or plastic, you can find what you're looking for with us. See some cutting boards that you can buy from us below.
And you! Don't forget to take care of your cutting board according to the tips above for a longer lifespan and a more sustainable investment.

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