Få bort fisk- och kräftlukt från händerna! Dorre ger dig bästa tipsen

Tips! How to get rid of fish and crayfish smell on your hands

Enjoying a lovely dinner with fresh fish and seafood is a luxury and something that many look forward to, especially as the weekend approaches. The west coast is characterized by fish and seafood, but even in the rest of Sweden, fish such as herring and salmon are a common feature on our plates during our holidays. Even though the flavors are fantastic and you long to taste the delicacies of the sea, the strong smell of fish, shrimp, crayfish, or other seafood that lingers on your hands afterwards is not as pleasant as the taste. So how do you actually get rid of the fish smell? We will go through that here!

How to get rid of the smell of seafood from your hands? 3 effective tips

There are several different methods and home remedies to get rid of the bad smell of seafood from your hands. Like many others, you may have stood for a long time with your hands under the faucet, scrubbing your hands with dish soap and water without any results. That ends now! Here we share our 3 best tips for removing the stubborn fish and seafood smell from your hands so that you can enjoy both the food and the scent of clean hands afterwards. 

Tvätta händer med tandkräm och få bort kräftlukten från händerna

Tips 1. Wash your hands with toothpaste

Toothpaste is something that can be found in every household, but what many do not know is that toothpaste has many more uses than just brushing your teeth. Toothpaste is a perfect way to get rid of bad odors in more places than just your mouth, including on your hands. Washing your hands with toothpaste may not sound very pleasant, but try rubbing your hands with toothpaste and then rinsing off with water, and you will see that the seafood smell disappears.

Tips 2. Wash your hands with a steel soap

Another smart trick that many are not aware of is that stainless steel can remove bad odors. When you rub your hands against the metal, a chemical reaction occurs with the substances that cause the smell, which makes the unpleasant odor disappear. To do this, you can use any stainless surface, but if you don't want to rub your hands against the sink or cutlery, you can use a steel soap. In our practical seafood set A steel soap is included along with crayfish forks and a lobster cracker - perfect for the crayfish party or seafood dinner. Just wet your hands in cold water and rub them against the metal soap and the smell will be gone!

P.S. A stainless steel soap also works excellently to remove onion smell from your hands!

Att tvätta händer med citron är ett klassiskt husmorstips att få bort lukter

Tips 3. Wash your hands with lemon

A classic housewife tip for removing bad odors is to wash your hands with lemon. The fresh citrus scent is significantly fresher than the smell of fish or seafood, so after a meal, you can wash your hands with lemon to neutralize the odor. How you do this is up to you, either by washing your hands with lemon juice or by rubbing a lemon slice directly on your skin. A good tip is to have a bowl of lemon slices on the table so that both you and your guests can use them. Additionally, lemon is a tasty accompaniment to seafood such as crayfish, shrimp, or fish. 

Do you want more tips on smart housewife tricks or good recipes? Check out our inspiration page here!